Lesser Potion Hearthstone

lesser potion

Kabal Chemist (Kabal Chemist) Hearthstone

Kabal Chemist Set: Mean Streets of Gadgetzan Type: Minion Class: Mage, Priest, Warlock Tri-class: Kabal Rarity: Common Cost: 4 Attack: 3 Health: 3 Abilities: Battlecry, Generate Tags: Random, Spell-generating Battlecry: Add a random Potion to
Inkmaster Solia (Inkmaster Solia) Hearthstone

Inkmaster Solia Set: Mean Streets of Gadgetzan Type: Minion Class: Mage Rarity: Legendary Cost: 7 Attack: 5 Health: 5 Abilities: Battlecry, Modify cost Tags: Deck-related, Spell-related Battlecry: If your deck has no duplicates, the next
DOOM! (DOOM!) Hearthstone

DOOM! Set: Whispers of the Old Gods Type: Spell Class: Warlock Rarity: Epic Cost: 10 Abilities: Destroy, Draw cards Tags: Area of effect Destroy all minions. Draw a card for each.We ran out of space
Timber Wolf (Timber Wolf) Hearthstone

Timber Wolf Set: Basic Type: Minion Subtype: Beast Class: Hunter Cost: 1 Attack: 1 Health: 1 Tags: Beast-related, Ongoing effect Your other Beasts have +1 Attack.Other beasts totally dig hanging out with timber wolves.See this
Kazakus (Kazakus) Hearthstone

Kazakus Set: Mean Streets of Gadgetzan Type: Minion Class: Mage, Priest, Warlock Tri-class: Kabal Rarity: Legendary Cost: 4 Attack: 3 Health: 3 Abilities: Battlecry, Generate Tags: Deck-related, Spell-generating Battlecry: If your deck has no duplicates,
Dragonfire Potion (Dragonfire Potion) Hearthstone

Dragonfire Potion Set: Mean Streets of Gadgetzan Type: Spell Class: Priest Rarity: Epic Cost: 6 Abilities: Deal damage Tags: Area of effect, Dragon-related Deal 5 damage to all minions except Dragons.No one was brave enough
Sea Giant (Sea Giant) Hearthstone

Sea Giant Set: Classic Type: Minion Rarity: Epic Cost: 10 Attack: 8 Health: 8 Abilities: Modify cost Tags: Battlefield-related, In-hand effect, Ongoing effect Costs (1) less for each other minion on the battlefield.See? Giant.See this
Blastcrystal Potion (Blastcrystal Potion) Hearthstone

Blastcrystal Potion Set: Mean Streets of Gadgetzan Type: Spell Class: Warlock Rarity: Common Cost: 4 Abilities: Destroy Tags: Mana-related Destroy a minion and one of your Mana Crystals.There s a fine line between "potion" and "grenade".
Krul the Unshackled (Krul the Unshackled) Hearthstone

Krul the Unshackled Set: Mean Streets of Gadgetzan Type: Minion Subtype: Demon Class: Warlock Rarity: Legendary Cost: 9 Attack: 7 Health: 9 Abilities: Battlecry, Put into battlefield Tags: Deck-related, Demon-related Battlecry: If your deck has
White Eyes (White Eyes) Hearthstone

White Eyes Set: Mean Streets of Gadgetzan Type: Minion Class: Shaman Rarity: Legendary Cost: 5 Attack: 5 Health: 5 Abilities: Deathrattle, Generate, Shuffle into deck, Taunt TauntDeathrattle: Shuffle The Storm Guardian into your deck.My life