Capture the Rooster



Players: 12

Maps: Lijiang Control Tower, Lijiang Garden, Lijiang Market Center.

Game Type: 2-Flag Capture the Flag

Heroes: All (One each team)



Each team must capture the opposing team`s flag; located on the opposite side of the map from each team`s respawn zone, while also protecting their own flag from being captured by their opponents. The game is over when one team captures 3 flags, or when the 7-minute timer runs out, in which the team with the most flags is decided the winner. The game is deemed a draw if both teams have the same number of captures when the timer ends.


If a player on the winning team is capturing a flag when the timer ends, the game will still go into "overtime", giving the otherwise losing team a chance to capture a flag when the game would normally end, unnecessarily extending the game.