Mei's Snowball Offensive


Mei`s Snowball Offensive is a brawl exclusive to the Winter Wonderland Winter Wonderland is a seasonal event in Overwatch. This event featuresSpecial attraction 124 exclusive cosmetics, seasonal loot boxes, and an exclusive brawl, Mei s Snowball Offensive. The event started on Dec. 13, 2016, and ended on Jan. overwatch seasonal event. It is a 6v6 snowball fight taking place on Ecopoint: Antarctica. It is narrated by Soldier: 76.

In the brawl, Meiℂ⋘⃂₀⃂ₙs abilities are altered: her primary fire only has only one ammo and needs to be recharge in the piles of snow located around the map; be that as it may, it instantly kills a enemy with one hit. Blizzard; her ultimate Ultimate abilities (Commonly referred to by players as Ults ) are powerful abilities only available to a hero once their Ultimate Meter has filled. Progress towards an Ultimate persists through death. The Ultimate Meter fills by overwatch , is replaced with another, which for a small period of time gives the player an infinite ammo of snowballs.