


Seven years before the present day, Director Petras ordered a full investigation into the murder of an Overwatch official in Cairo Cairo was a city in Egypt. It was located near the ancient ruins of the Giza Plateau and the Temple of Anubis. 1] Seven years before the present day, Director Petras ordered a full investigation , Egypt Egypt Location Northeast Africa Terrain Desert Egypt is a country located in northern Africa. Contents 1 History 2 Known Locations 3 Known Nationals 4 Trivia 5 References History edit | edit source] Poverty in Egypt overwatch .

On the 27th day of the Kings Row Uprising, Director Petras sought to urgently speak with Strike-Commander Morrison, but was put on hold as Morrison executed an unsanctioned mission to end the situation in London, England “ If you ask me, the Brits have their heads on straight! Omnic rights? Pah! „ ~ Torbjörn United Kingdom Location Western Europe Terrain Various The United Kingdom is a west European country. Contents 1 overwatch .

